TGIF: Peach Soju Spritz Recipe


I refuse to accept that summer is almost over, and in order to make it last a little bit longer, I am trying out some of my summer-inspired recipes. Since it's Friday and I visited a Korean food store last weekend, I'm excited to share my Peach Soju Spritz recipe with you. I firmly believe in making every moment special, and even a drink after a work week should be served in a nice glass. So, my advice is to begin by finding a beautiful glass, and then proceed from there. Once you've chosen your glass, here's what you will need:


  • 45ml Peach Flavored Soju or Regular Soju

  • 150ml Prosecco or Sparkling Rose

  • Sparkling water, for topping up

  • Peach or Nectarine slices

  • Ice

Optional: fresh thyme or basil.

Making this drink is quite simple, and honestly, there's no wrong way to mix the ingredients. I like to start with ice and peach slices. Arrange the peach slices around the glass so that there's at least one slice on every side. Next, add Peach Flavored Soju, Prosecco, and top it off with sparkling water. You can also garnish it with thyme or fresh basil. Thyme is a better garnish if you're using Rosé sparkling wine, and fresh basil works well with Prosecco. Now, let the weekend begin – enjoy!


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